Monday, February 23, 2009

New Discoveries

OK. I'm discovering that it's very difficult to keep up with this blog. Rowan will be 5 whole weeks tomorrow. Wow, where does the time go. I can't believe that I'm nearly halfway through my maternity leave :( Anyway, in these last few weeks I've made some new discoveries about life as a mommy.

Breastfeeding is HARD! And sometimes painful. And always boring. This is something that I had not anticipated. We are both getting better at it, and I hear that it's worth sticking it out through the tough first weeks. We'll see about that :)

Showers (when I can catch one) have taken on a new level of awesomeness. I used to be a strictly utilitarian showerer- in and out quick. Now I stand in the steamy hot water for as long as I as can before the boy needs to eat again.

Baby wipes are extremely versatile. Not just for baby bums. Also for baby pukes all over the floor (or couch), for "washing" hands when baby is having a meltdown and needs to eat NOW, or for cleaning up whatever the baby happens to hit with his unexpected pee fountain (like the changing pad, fireplace, or his face).

And as for one of Rowan's new discoveries...he's just figured out how to smile. It's heart melting. I'll get a picture or video of it soon, but he opens his mouth as wide as he possible can and turns up the corners of his lips. At first I though he was hungry and kept shoving a boob or bottle in it, but he wasn't interested in eating. He just opened his mouth wider as if he was amused by my misguided efforts.

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